Linda I. Weischedel - {{{ A Bipolar Thought }}}

2014-11-07 1

Sometimes I just lay in my bed,
normally the crappy parts of my life just roll
around in this over-used mind, all thru-out my head,
knowing I should be thinking of the much more happier
times instead.

In my head,
I make an effort to take the negative
to make a positive change, sweep out the cobb webs,
take this, take that, you know just trying
to rearrange?

That is all very easy
to say,
having Bipolar Disorder,
I'm not that fortunate, not that lucky,
it doesn't always happen this way,
it's like my brain short circuits,
oh you can trust me when I say,
that it is a freggin' constant fray,
for the truth is I fight nasty demons
in my head each and every single day.

The Lithium does it's part,
it's my determination, strong-will, and special heart,
that enables me to keep those demons
far few and apart.

YO Linda,
there is far more talent up there
in that head,
now stop the whinning, brush it off,
and get outta that stupid bed!

It takes a very STRONG mind
to deal day in, and day out with Bipolar Disorder,
I've struggled, and have been dealing with it since
I was 13 years old.
Trust me when I state.... it's not easy,
the KEY factor is:
you gotta wanna be stable,
wanna be strong, and live a life.
Then again,
Just look at this world we ALL hafta deal with,
am I right?

Linda I. Weischedel